Sunday, August 31, 2014

Bread Pudding

No I haven’t stopped cooking, but simply lazy. I do cook, click pictures with the thought of putting in my blog. But alas!! Today I finally thought enough is enough and picked up the pen. I mean not literally. So let’s get started.
A colleague got this one day and it tasted awesome. Her mother-in-law made and I insisted on the recipe. So here it goes.


·         ½ litre milk
·         6 eggs
·         6 bread slices
·         Sugar as per taste (I prefer keeping it a little less sweet)


Soak bread slices in milk, once it becomes soft add eggs and sugar and mix it nicely. I used the hand blender.
For the caramel, take a dry container put some sugar and on slow flame keep the vessel. Once the sugar starts melting on the slow flame, spread the sugar caramel on the entire bottom of the vessel.
Then add the pudding mix in that container.

In the cooker add some water, keep the steam plate and then place the pudding vessel on the steam plate. Cover the pudding vessel with silver foil or a thin muslin cloth. 

Cover the lid with the cooker whistle; remove after one whistle on fast flame and another 2-3 on slow flame.
For caramel pudding, do not add the bread.

You can keep it in  the fridge and serve a bit chilled or at room temperature.

Happy Cooking!!
